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Sunday, November 13, 2005 

The Faders - No Sleep Tonight (V2.0)

This is the American edit of the video for the Faders' debut single. Yes, you read that right - the American edit! Despite their lack of UK success, the girls are being launched in America with the help of the semi-popular US teen show Veronica Mars, on which the band recently played - guess where? At the prom, of course! This version of the video seems to be exactly the same as the first one, but has snippets of Veronica Mars intertwined. I can hardly see it going to number one, but I suppose it's nice for the Americans to get some quality pop music, even if it's by these boring, instrument-playing, dance routineless girls. Amazingly, they seem to have released an album, called Plug In & Play, somewhere (probably Asia?), as it appears on Amazon.com as Import.


What an incredible song!

Simply impossible to listen to without looping. I can't stop my head from bopping all over my shoulders!

Thanks for pointing them out making my weekend all Josie & the Pussycat-like.


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